Verschönere Dein hellbraunes Haar mit unserer exklusiven Farbauswahl

Smart Beauty hat eine außergewöhnliche Auswahl an Pastell- und Metallic-Tönen, die auf hellblondem Haar fantastisch aussehen – von permanenten über demi-permanente bis hin  zu semi-permanenten Farben.

Hinweis: Bleach-it von Smart Beauty hellt dunkelblondes Haar auf, um es auf diese strahlenden Farben vorzubereiten

Für hellbraunes Haar

Alle 13 Ergebnisse werden angezeigt

Alle 13 Ergebnisse werden angezeigt

Smart Beauty Archives Brown permanent hair coloring kits use the latest salon-quality hair dye technology and make it accessible and affordable for home use. Featuring Smart Color Technology that covers all your grey hair, you’ll get fantastic natural-looking color results that last up to 6 weeks.

Smart Beauty® Brown Archives Intense Permanent Hair Dye is the first step in achieving a beautiful new you. Use this stylish hair dye to transform your hair color at home, achieving 100% grey coverage with ease. From soft brown hues to deep chocolate brown, your entire spectrum of color possibilities are yours for the taking.

Smart Beauty Archives Brown hair dye is specially formulated for medium-dark hair tones. With 100% grey coverage this dye will help you achieve more dramatic hair color results.

Smart Beauty Archives Brown permanent hair dye delivers 100% Grey coverage in 5 minutes, thanks to the high-performance brown formula. Perfect for darkening your color in time for the summer months, its simple application technique also means you can get great results from home

Smart Beauty Medium Brown Archives hair dye allows you to cover all grey hair and go back to your preferred natural shade. The salon-quality permanent color formula gently conditions as it colors and is specially designed to provide 100% grey coverage for the most realistic results at home.